The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated a Potters Bar care home as 'outstanding' following its most recent inspection.

A report for Cooperscroft Care Home, on Coopers Lane Road, was published on Tuesday, January 9.

The provider was rated 'outstanding' in two of the five areas assessed - Responsive and Well-Led - and was rated as 'good' in the remaining three.

The report reads: "People told us they felt safe at Cooperscroft Care Home. 

"There were enough staff on duty to meet people's needs safely and people told us they did not have to wait a long time for staff to attend to their needs.

"People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests.

"There was an exceptionally person-centred culture at the service, where managers respected and valued people as individuals with hopes, dreams and aspirations."

Treating patients as individuals was highlighted as one of Cooperscroft's main positives, with people being given roles and duties, should they wish to be involved.

The report continued: "People were supported to be part of the day to day running of the service from having the opportunity to work in a role for a day, to participating in fire drills and wellbeing talks along with staff.

"People and their relatives were very complimentary about the management, the staff and their experiences of care at Cooperscroft Care Home.

"Everyone we spoke with felt their views were sought, listened to and acted on to continuously improve the service.

"The provider strove for excellence in all they did and as a result had won a number of awards in recognition of their achievements."

Safety, Effectiveness and Caring were all rated as 'good' following the inspection, with the "strong understanding" of staff praised by the CQC.


"The provider supported people to increase their own awareness of issues relating to their safety.

"For example, the service ran innovative information sessions about scams and internet safety to provide people with knowledge of how to avoid this type of abuse. 

"One person said 'oh yes, I feel really safe. So much so, I even leave my door open at night!

"'I have no worries and (staff) can't do enough for you. There's not one of them I don't like.'"