On one wet Sunday afternoon, £2,650 was raised to help the Welwyn Garden community and Rotary charities!

WGC Rotarians thank ALL who supported the event on April 28 and who turned out to view five gardens within walking distance around the Sherrards area and enjoyed tea and fabulous cakes in the tea garden.

Many thanks to all the generous bakers - and thanks to donors of raffle prizes and quality bric-a-brac.

Lucy from Bishops Hatfield Girls' School raised over £200 to support her World Challenge trip to Borneo from her plants and books stall, and this will be matched by the Rotary Club.

All in all, a great community event.

If you stop to consider the amount of work, effort and hours of work that go into such events it becomes obvious how many different skills come into play from the initial idea and approach to garden owners, to the design and execution of advertising, ticket printing, posters, on-line social media, the creation of raffle prizes and huge amounts of baking.

Gazebos, banners, stalls to be wrestled with alongside financial management, transport needs, much verbal communication etc. The list goes on and on,

Why do we do it? Actually it’s all so worthwhile and rewarding. It’s great to be part of a team doing something so lovely to enjoy, and making lasting friendships whilst doing it!

Today’s WGC Rotary club is a group of like-minded people, both men and women who just like to be involved.

Our particular club boasts a satellite group of younger middle-aged people who readily support the main club and are involved in sporting activities and events such as Santa’s sleigh at Christmas time, another popular and fun fundraising event.

To get involved do get in touch www.welwyngcrotary.org.uk or drop into Campus West where some of us meet at 11am on the third Tuesday of each month, come and talk to us.

Alternatively come and chat when you see us about town. We do meet regularly, sometimes on-line and often at a pub or local restaurant.

Our next big event is 'Jazz on the Island' on Saturday July 6, which is always popular. Pop it in your diary, more about that later.