Herts Sports & Physical Activity Partnership (HSP) is urging people to get active with the 'Living Longer Better' campaign.

The partnership has obtained £10,360 in Sport England funding for a badminton project for people aged 50 plus in deprived parts of the county.

GPs, social prescribers, Slimming World and Mind are asked to refer suitable people to attend subsidised sessions, which are also open for self-referrals.


Badminton sessions are held at the Ludwick Family Centre from 10am to 11am on alternate Wednesdays, and at Gosling Sports Park from 10am to 11am every Saturday.

Ludwick sessions cost £3, or £2 with a referral, and Gosling sessions cost £5, or £3 with referral.

Sessions are led by Sam Ruisling with occasional help from his dad Jim Ruisling.