A planning application has been submitted to expand a hotel in Hatfield and demolish the restaurant on the site.

The plans, submitted by Whitbread, would see The Airfield Brewer's Fayre at the Premier Inn in Comet Way knocked down, and replace with a three-storey build made up of 47 rooms.

"Premier Inn has identified a considerable demand for additional hotel accommodation in this location. Equally, the existing hotel restaurant has shown a continued shortfall in demand," reads the planning application. 

"The applicant therefore seeks to reconfigure the hotel bedroom and restaurant offer on the site to ensure its success and future viability.

"The proposal seeks permission for the demolition of the existing Brewers Fayre restaurant, and the erection of a 47-bedroom three-storey hotel extension in its place.

"The proposed extension will be situated largely within the footprint of the existing restaurant building but will be smaller and set further back within the site from the A1 and Comet Way. No additional land needs to be acquired to accommodate the proposed development."

A smaller restaurant is included in the plans, with the proposal continuing: "A restaurant will be reprovided within the existing hotel in place of 6 existing hotel bedrooms. As a result, there will be a net increase of 41 hotel bedrooms and 81 hotel bedrooms in total."

The consultation for the plans is open until August 23.

To view the planning application, visit planning.welhat.gov.uk/Search/Basic, and search 6/2024/1323/MAJ.