An event celebrating the role of older adults in society is set to return to Hatfield next month.

Herts Sport and Physical Activity Partnership (HSP) is preparing to host its second Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire Celebration Day on Thursday, September 5 at the University of Hertfordshire's de Havilland campus in Hatfield.

Following the success of last year's event, which saw more than 300 attendees, and with 400 bookings already confirmed, this year's event is set to be even bigger.

The day is part of the wider Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire movement, funded by Hertfordshire County Council, which aims to connect older residents with opportunities for physical activity which promotes social inclusion and cognitive wellbeing.

Activities at the event will include boccia, walking netball, adapted cycling, square dancing and Tai Chi.

There will also be a judo class aimed at reducing the fear of falling and the risk of injury from a fall.

Sarah Perman, director of public health at Hertfordshire, and Annie Brewster JP, Hertfordshire High Sheriff, will give the opening address, discussing the importance of staying active in support of a healthy lifespan.

Charlotte Bird, lead for Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire, said: "The belief for a lot of older adults is that it is too late to start exercising, some feel they have missed the opportunity to improve their health and fitness and may not see the benefits in starting to exercise.

"We are incredibly excited to be running this event again and inspiring hundreds more Hertfordshire residents to take part in activities to Live Longer Better."

A participant from last year's event said: "The whole day was so well organised, we had the opportunity to try several different sports and to learn about organisations that might be of help to us in the future.

"The tricycles were such fun, very unexpected; I learned that I can still hula hoop and have ordered myself one.

"We really cannot thank you enough, our overriding memory is of smiling faces, what a triumph."

For more information, contact event organiser Charlotte Bird at