A Channel 5 documentary on the brutal murder of a Potters Bar businesswoman hit a peak viewership of 1.2 million when it aired last week.

The Body in the Bin - which features Welwyn Hatfield Times reporter Dan Mountney - aired on Channel 5 on Thursday, August 29, with millions tuning into the hour-long programme focusing on the murder of 71-year-old mother Louise Kam.

She was strangled with the cord from a hairdryer at a house in Barnet, before her body was then unceremoniously concealed in a rubbish bin by the killers.

Welwyn Hatfield Times journalist Dan Mountney features in the documentary.Welwyn Hatfield Times journalist Dan Mountney features in the documentary. (Image: Atticus Film & Television)

A shock tale of fraud and murder, The Body in the Bin features "extraordinary unseen videos posted by the killers and harrowing CCTV footage to create a horrific timeline of events".

Kebab shop workers Kusai Al-Jundi and Mohamed El-Abboud attempted to defraud Ms Kam by getting her to sign over her estate to them, with the promise of a vast sum of cash from a wealthy overseas investor.

When this plan failed, the fraudsters-turned-killers strangled Louise with the cord from a hairdryer in a home she owned in North London.

Reconstruction of Louise Kam and solicitor from The Body in the Bin on Channel 5.Reconstruction of Louise Kam and solicitor from The Body in the Bin on Channel 5. (Image: Atticus Film & Television)

They then hid her body in a wheelie bin before posting callous TikTok videos “celebrating” Louise’s murder by dancing on her driveway just hours after her brutal killing in July 2021.

Al-Jundi and El-Abboud were jailed for a minimum of 35 years in February 2023.

You can stream The Body in the Bin on Channel 5 by visiting www.channel5.com/show/body-in-the-bin.