A planning application has been submitted to build a "Georgian influenced" home in Northaw.

The plans, submitted by Mr Nick Englander, would see the five-bedroom home built on land adjacent to 1 Carbone Hill.

A planning and design statement says that "careful consideration" has been given to neighbouring properties, while the design is "Georgian influenced" but "reflects the context of the site and surrounding area".

"Careful consideration has been given to ensure there is generous spacing between the neighbouring properties," the application reads. 

"As such, the proposed dwelling has been positioned centrally to the plot, allowing for a large entrance driveway and associated parking through the middle of the site.

"The siting has also been designed to be level with existing dwellings to create a harmonious street scene appearance.

"The design approach has been to produce a new dwelling which reflects the context of the site and surrounding area.

"The proposal is for a high quality, traditional Georgian influence. It boasts symmetrical features and a welcoming porch with complimenting white render and stone detailing.

"Traditional flush sash windows with stone surrounds have been proposed, enhancing the character and detail of the design. The roof has been designed with slate tiling."

To view the application, visit planning.welhat.gov.uk/Search, and search 6/2024/1554/FULL.