A man who was jailed for carrying a knife and assaulting emergency workers in Welwyn Garden City has been hit with a criminal behaviour order.

Michael Forbes, of no fixed abode, was sentenced to two years behind bars in May, after pleading guilty to two counts of possessing a knife blade in a public place, assaulting an emergency worker and going equipped for theft following an incident in Elliot Close.

The Welwyn Hatfield Community Safety Unit have now secured a criminal behaviour order, which runs for three years, and was granted by St Albans Crown Court on Friday, August 16.

In an effort to prevent him from re-offending, Forbes must not do the following:

  • Touch or lean against any motor vehicle that does not belong to him without the consent of the owner.
  • Enter any boundary of any private dwelling without the expressed permission of the landowner or tenant. This includes front gardens, driveways, and footpaths of any private residential property.
  • Carry or have with him any tools in a public place unless he can demonstrate they are for use in gainful and verifiable employment.

Welwyn Hatfield Neighbourhood Inspector, Amy Sheldon said: "This case shows that our work doesn’t stop at the point when an offender is sent to prison.

"We want to prevent crime before it happens and our Community Safety Unit has worked very hard to secure this CBO. I would like to say a big thank you to them.

"If Forbes breaches the conditions of his CBO, he will be either sent to prison or ordered to pay a fine or both."