Brownies in Hatfield enjoyed a visit from their local police.

PCSOs Shannon Payne and Bill McCaskie visited a Brownie pack at St John’s Youth and Community Centre.

The officers, who are based on the Welwyn Hatfield Neighbourhood Policing Team, spoke to the girls about how they help the community.

They explained the role of police officers and what the children should do if they ever need help.

As part of the visit, the Brownies got to explore the officers’ police car too.

PCSO Payne said: “The Brownies made us feel very welcome and we had a lovely evening with them. We wanted to make the session both fun and informative.

"The girls learned lots about being a police officer and also got to enjoy a look around the police vehicle.

“We hope the Brownies had a good time. Perhaps we may have even inspired some future recruits!”