Former European residents who have settled in Welwyn Hatfield met at the Barn Theatre last week to share their experiences.

Around 20 people came together to celebrate the event on Thursday, May 9.

Cllr Michal Siewniak, Liberal Democrat councillor for Handside, said: "It was such a fabulous meeting. It had a bit of everything.

"We talked about reasons for coming over, sense of belonging, our identity and 'fitting in' within a multicultural society.

"Each of these stories has ups and downs, however each one of them is unique, empowering and inspiring.

"It was so nice to see people from quite a few ethnic backgrounds and reflect on our life journeys, acknowledge our accomplishments and achievements!"


Attendee Amelia Quintana Navarro added: "We talked about our own experiences migrating to the UK from the very beginning, some more difficult than others, some scarier than others.

"We fit in the UK probably more than where we are from, but that we are also proud of being who we are.

"We also talked about how important it is to pass this heritage to our children, who know how to appreciate the British and the other cultures they have been brought up in here in the UK."