An appeal has been submitted for refused plans to turn stables in Welwyn into a four-bedroom home.

The planning application, submitted by Fyson, proposes to turn the building Brocksfield Stables in Homerswood Lane, into a four-bedroom detached property, with associated car parking and use of existing vehicular access.

The planning and design statement describes the property as a "lifetime home of flexible design", which would be "highly sustainable in its construction and energy efficient in its use, by employing the latest environmentally sensitive technologies".

Despite this, Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council raised concerns about harm to the Green Belt when they rejected the plans back in February.

"The proposed development, which is located on land designated as metropolitan green belt, would constitute inappropriate development, causing harm to the openness and purposes of including land in the green belt, which is by definition harmful to the green belt," the decision reads.

Further environmental concerns were raised, with the decision continuing: "The proposed development, by virtue of its location and remoteness from existing services, facilities and infrastructure, would be contrary to the settlement strategy of the council and would represent an environmentally unsustainable form of development.

"In addition, by virtue of its remoteness, encouraging non-car modes of travel in this location would fail to provide safe and suitable access for all users."