Hi Everyone,

My name is Lily and I am a sweet, gentle and affectionate neutered 10 month old kitten. I think you will agree from my photo, I am also very pretty.

I came to Southridge when sadly my owner passed away. Imagine having a loving home where you feel secure, loved and safe, the only place you have known. Suddenly everything changes, your world is turned upside down and you arrive in an environment that is totally scary and full of unfamiliar noises and smells, with strange people who though kind, leave you confused. Where was my loving person - I missed them so much?

This experience and the feelings I had left me traumatised and unable to interact with anyone. All I did was hide away and freeze up when anyone came near to me. Gradually I started to realise that the patient and gentle humans who came to visit me, who sat in my cattery pen with me, talking to me and offering me treats, were my friends and I warmed to them and they helped me gain confidence, enabling me to start to interact and enjoy their company. Now I play and have fun with my human friends, but I do remain of a nervous disposition.

Because of this, I am looking for a calm, adult only home, and would like to be the only pet. I will need to be indoors for a little while so I can adjust to my new home and will need a quiet place, with high up areas I can retreat to initially while I settle. Then a cat flap will be essential, so I can be introduced to the outside world again where I can come and go at will. I will enjoy playing with you and you will find me a loving and affectionate friend once I feel secure.

So please can you give me the forever home I so long for. If you think you can, contact Southridge right now.

To get in touch with RSPCA Southridge email southridge@rspca.org.uk or call 0300 123 0704. Visiting the centre is by pre-arranged, scheduled appointment only. The centre is located in Packhorse Lane, Potters Bar, EN6 3LZ.