Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council has promised to get grass cutting in the borough "back on track", after residents raised concerns about unfinished jobs.

A number of pictures have circulated on social media in recent weeks, showing patches of grass on public spaces being left half cut, with one such example in Lockley Crescent.

After residents were left questioning why jobs had been left unfinished, a spokesperson for Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council told this newspaper that jobs are often completed over two days.

They also said that recent wet weather had made grass cutting difficult, but pledged to get the work "back on track".

"If crews do not complete an area by the end of the working day, they usually return the next day," said the spokesperson.

"Some areas of grass are cut less frequently or are left at this time of year to enhance biodiversity. The current weather conditions mean that grass is currently at accelerated growth and coupled with wet ground conditions has slowed down the speed of the cut.

"We are working closely with our contractors, who have brought in additional resources, to get back on track as quickly as we can."