Maisie here, a wonderful, happy, roly-poly, enthusiastic, fun, gentle and amazing puppy.

Along with my five sisters, I am currently living at Southridge.

We are all hoping once you have read our story, it will tug at your heart strings so you will come galloping down to Southridge to meet us (by appointment) if you think you can offer us the special homes we are all longing for.

We have had a very traumatic and troubled start in our short lives, experiencing the cruelty of neglect and abandonment.

When we were found in horrible and unsuitable conditions, the RSPCA inspector immediately removed us to the safety of Southridge.

Luckily being so young we have been able to leave all the stress of our terrible start in life behind and are now focused on our futures, which is where you come in.

Since coming to Southridge we have been having some wonderful times, with loving cuddles and play with staff and volunteers, but of course life in a kennel is not where we want to stay for very long.

Maisie's sister Aurelia (Image: RSPCA Southridge)

As we will be medium-large dogs once fully grown, when out on walks we do tend to get a little tangled in our gangly legs, as we strive to be well behaved while at the same time finding it hard to resist that leaf to chase or doggie to greet. Life is so full of surprises!

What breed are we you ask? The best is my answer, we are of the 'all-sorts' variety, and as you can see from our photos, we are incredibly cute - no wonder we are such favourites here at Southridge.

We love to play and frolic so will each need a home with a secure garden.

Living with another dog would be great fun and company, or perhaps you could adopt two of us together - but of course this is not essential, as long as we get lots of opportunities to socialise with other dogs when we are out and about.

Bear in mind we will be quite big dogs, but we would enjoy co-habiting with children over the age of six years, as long as they are happy around chewy puppies.

We wouldn't mind sharing our home with a dog-savvy cat or two as long as you introduce us slowly, so our curiosity is managed appropriately.

We are smart and have heard puppy classes are great fun, as well as essential for us to become well trained and socially adjusted dogs - we can't wait to go and learn more.

Of course we are just babies, and will need someone home with us most or all of the time at first, as we will need help adjusting to our new lives and housetraining too.

Hopefully now having read about us, you realise that there is something missing in your family - a puppy! 

Here we are waiting to fill that gap. So contact Southridge now and come and meet us. We are so excited.

To get in touch with RSPCA Southridge email or call 0300 123 0704. Visiting the centre is by pre-arranged, scheduled appointment only. The centre is located in Packhorse Lane, Potters Bar, EN6 3LZ.